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Web page of Hiroshi Miki
Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (PD)
Applied Mathematical Analysis Laboratory, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics,
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
TEL: +81-75-753-5511
FAX: +81-75-753-5497
Mail: miki at mark amp.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Areas of Research
- Integrable Systems / Chains
- Orthogonal Polynomials / Functions
- Special Function
Hiroshi Miki, Sarah Post, Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov, A superintegrable finite oscillator in two dimensions with SU(2) symmetry, (arxiv)
Hiroshi Miki,Satoshi Tsujimoto, Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov, An Algebraic Model for the Multiple Meixner Polynomials of the First Kind, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 325205 (arXiv)
Hiroshi Miki, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov Quantum-state transfer in a two-dimensional regular spin lattice of triangular shape, Phys. Rev. A 85 (2012) 062306 (arXiv)
Hiroshi Miki, Hiroaki Goda, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Discrete spectral transformations of skew orthogonal polynomials and associated discrete integrable systems, SIGMA (2012) 008, 14pages (arXiv)
Hiroshi Miki, Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov, Non-Hermitian oscillator Hamiltonians and multiple Charlier polynomials, Phys. Lett. A 376(2) (2011) pp. 65-69
Hiroshi Miki, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Cauchy Biorthogonal Polynomials and Discrete Integrable Systems, Journal of Nonlinear Systems and Applications 2(3) (2011) pp. 195-199
Conferences and Talks
- Hiroshi Miki, Two variable Krawchouk polynomials and a qunatum state transfer on a triangular lattice, SIDE10 International Conference, Xikou, 12 June, 2012.
- Hiroshi Miki, Skew orthogonal polynomials and discrete coupled KP equation,
Seminar Physique Mathématique , CRM, UdeM, Pavillon André-Aisenstadt, 7 February, 2012.
- Hiroshi Miki and Satoshi Tsujimoto, Discrete integrable systems of skew orthogonal polynomials, Joint Mathematics Meetings 2012, Boston, 6 January, 2012.
- Hiroshi Miki, Discrete integrable models and orthoognal functions, Seminar Physique Mathématique , CRM, UdeM, Pavillon André-Aisenstadt, 14 June, 2011.
- Hiroshi Miki and Satoshi Tsujimoto, Spectral transformation of skew orthogonal polynomials, The Seventh IMACS International Conference on
Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, Georgia, 4-7 April, 2011.
- Hiroshi Miki, Cauchy biorthogonal polynomials and discrete integrable systems, 7th International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Tampa, Florida, 17 December, 2010.
- Hiroshi Miki, Skew orthogonal polynomials associated with Askey-Wilson polynomials, Symmety Plus Integrability 2010, South Padre Island, Texas, 10-11 June, 2010.
- Hiroshi Miki, Discrete integrable systems associated with skew orthogonal polynomials, China-Japan Joint Workshop on Integrable Systems, Shaoxing, 7-10 January, 2010
- Hiroshi MIKI, Spectral transformation and hypergeometric series representation of skew orthogonal polynomial, Master's Thesis, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University (2011).
- Hiroshi MIKI, Construction of skew orthogonal polynomials in terms of classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable (in Japanese), Bachelor's Thesis, Faculty of Engineering of Kyoto University (2008).