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K. Akaiwa, Y. Nakamura, M. Iwasaki, H. Tsutsumi, K. Kondo, A finite-step construction of totally nonnegative matrices with specified eigenvalues, Numer. Algor., 70 (2015), 469-484
Kanae Akaiwa, Masashi Iwasaki, Yoshimasa Nakamura 2011.10 Some Fibonacci sequences appear in the dLV algorithm Int. Workshop on application of iterative methods to engineering and its mathematical element in Doshisha University
Kanae Akaiwa, Koichi Kondo, Masashi Iwasaki, Yoshimasa Nakamura 2012.7 A tridiagonalization for nonsymmetric complex matrix in terms of the finite discrete Toda equation ICCAM2012 in Gent, Belgium
Kanae Akaiwa 2012.12 On a matrix tridiagonalization technique based on the quotient-difference formula Doctoral Forum of Mathematics between Fudan and Kyoto Universities in Kyoto University
Kanae Akaiwa, Masashi Iwasaki, Koichi Kondo, Yoshimasa Nakamura 2014.8 Convergence to multiple eigenvalues in the quotient-difference algorithm ILAS2014 in Seoul, Korea
[優秀ポスター賞] 新庄雅斗, 赤岩香苗, 岩崎雅史, 中村佳正 2014.9 生物の捕食関係に内在するフィボナッチ数列について 日本応用数理学会年会 in 政策研究大学院大学
赤岩 香苗 2015.8 Discrete integrable systems solve inverse eigenvalue problems for totally nonnegative matrices 研究集会「可積分系理論の諸分野への応用」in 京都大学数理解析研究所
Kanae Akaiwa, Yoshimasa Nakamura, Masashi Iwasaki, Hisayoshi Tsutsumi, Akira Yoshida, Koichi Kondo 2015.10 Inverse eigenvalue problems for totally nonnegative matrices in terms of discrete integrable systems SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra in Atlanta, USA
赤岩 香苗 2015.12 TN行列の逆固有値問題と離散可積分系 第7回白浜研究集会 in 旅館むさし