China-Japan Joint Workshop on Integrable Systems 2013

Kamo river (Kamo-gawa) in spring

China-Japan Joint Workshop on Integrable Systems 2013 will be held at Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan during March 16–19, 2013. This is the second workshop following the first CJJWIS held in Shaoxing, China in 2010.

The goal of this joint workshop is to bring together researchers mainly from China and Japan to present their up to date works on integrable systems and related issues. The main themes of this workshop are devoted to the reviews of the research topics by both the Chinese and Japanese communities in integrable systems, which include (but not limited to):


See transportation page, which explains how to get to the hotel and the conference venue.


The conference program is now available.

Conference Schedule

March 16thMarch 17thMarch 18thMarch 19th
MorningOpening & TalksTalksTalks & PostersTalks
AfternoonTalksTalksFree DiscussionTalks
NightWelcome PartyBanquet


If you are a participant from Japan, please register your information from registration form.

The registration fee is JPY 20,000. Student discount is available: JPY 15,000.

Submission of Abstract

The submission has been already closed. Thanks for your submission.

The followings are sample (template) files:


Participants from China

Guest rooms of Co-op Inn Kyoto (the hotel website is written only in Japanese) are reserved by local organizer. In each room of the hotel, free Internet connection by using an Ethernet cable is available.

Participants from Japan

You need to book a hotel by yourself in principle. Note that the conference dates are during the peak season for sightseeing in Kyoto; please reserve a hotel as early as possible.

Invited Participants

Participants list is here.

Executive Committee

China side

BaoFeng Feng (The University of Texas–Pan American), XingBiao Hu (Chinese Academy of Sciences), QingPing Liu (China University of Mining and Technology), SenYue Lou (Ningbo University), ChangZheng Qu (Ningbo University), YouJin Zhang (Tsinghua University), RuGuang Zhou (Jiangsu Normal University)

Japan side

Kenji Kajiwara (Kyushu University), Saburo Kakei (Rikkyo University), Kenichi Maruno (The University of Texas–Pan American), Junta Matsukidaira (Ryukoku University), Yoshimasa Nakamura (Kyoto University), Yasuhiro Ohta (Kobe University), Daisuke Takahashi (Waseda University), Tetsuji Tokihiro (The University of Tokyo), Satoshi Tsujimoto (Kyoto University), Ralph Willox (The University of Tokyo)

External Funding

The workshop is partly funded by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 22540224.


Local organizer: cjjwis2013ex [at]